Trade Union Ancestors

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A to Z trade unions list


This page lists all UK trade unions known to have existed at any stage in history whose name began with the letter L. Most have long since disappeared and many have left no records. Use this website to find out more.

Labour Protection League
Lace Machine Builders Allied Trades Association
Lace Makers Apprentices Society
Lace Makers Society
Lace Warehouse Employees Association
Lace Workers Association
Lace Workers, Glasgow
Lacemakers Union
Ladies Shoemakers Society
Ladies Tailors ( London E)
Laminated and Coil Spring Workers Union
Lanarkshire Miners County Union
Lancashire Amalgamated Tape Sizers Association
Lancashire and Cheshire Colliery Firemen’s Association
Lancashire and Cheshire Colliery Firemen’s Association
Lancashire and Cheshire Colliery Tradesmen and Kindred Workers
Lancashire and Cheshire Miners’ Federation
Lancashire and Cheshire Union of Skip and Basket Makers
Lancashire and Other Counties Colliery Winders Federation
Lancashire Association of Enginemen and Firemen
Lancashire Box, Packing Case and General Woodworker Society
Lancashire Cokemen and Labourers and Local Railway Servants Union
Lancashire Colliery Firemen’s Society
Lancashire County Colliery Enginemen’s Protection Society
Lancashire Datallers’ and Surfacemen’s Federated Union
Lancashire District Glass Bottle Makers Trade Protection Association
Lancashire Enginemen, Cranemen and Firemen, Electrical and Hydraulic Attendants Association
Lancashire Federation of Protection Societies
Lancashire Federation of Steam Trades
Lancashire Federationist Trade Union
Lancashire Glass Bottle Makers Association
Lancashire Medical Glass Bottle Makers Society
Lancashire Miners Federation
Lancashire Piecers Association
Lancashire, Cheshire and Derbyshire Factory Act Reform Association
Lancashire, Cheshire and North Wales Enginemen and Boilerman’s Federation
Lancashire, Cheshire and North Wales Enginemen, Boilerman and Brakesmen’s Federation
Lancaster and District Weavers. Winders and Warpers Association
Lancaster Cotton Spinners and Piecers Association
Lancaster Power Loom Overlookers Association
Larkhall Miners Mutual Protection Association
Lath Renders Trade Association
Lavenham Mat Weavers Union
Leamington and Warwick Cabinet Makers Trade Society
Leamington Builders’ Labourers Union
Leather Dressers Old Society
Leather Dressers Union
Leather Finishers Society
Ledbury Builders’ Labourers Trade Society
Leeds Amalgamated Association of Builders’ Labourers
Leeds Amalgamated Jewish Tailors, Machinists and Pressers Trade Union of Great Britain
Leeds Amalgamated Leather Shavers Society
Leeds and District Association of Tin-plate Workers
Leeds and District Farriers Protection Society
Leeds and District Power Loom Overlookers (Mutual Improvement) Society
Leeds and District Power Loom Overlookers Society
Leeds and District Scribbling Overlookers Association
Leeds and District Society of Coopers
Leeds and District Trade and Friendly Society of Sheet Metal Workers
Leeds and District United Tanners Society
Leeds and District Warp Dressers. Twisters and Kindred Trades Association
Leeds and District Willeyers and Fettlers Union
Leeds and Huddersfield Federated Cloth Pressers Society
Leeds and Morley Power Loom Overlookers Society
Leeds and Yorkshire Engineers and Firemen’s Association
Leeds Brassfounders and Finishers Society
Leeds Cloth Pressers Society
Leeds Clothiers Union
Leeds Coremakers Society
Leeds District Patternmakers Mutual Aid Association
Leeds Friendly Society of Spanish and Morocco Leather Finishers
Leeds Grinders and Glazers Society
Leeds Horse Collar Makers Trade Union
Leeds Jewish Rivetters, Slipper Makers and Finishers Trade Union
Leeds Jewish Rivetters, Slipper Makers, Finishers and Upper Machinists Trade Society
Leeds Jewish Slipper Makers Trade Protection Society
Leeds Jewish Tailoresses Union
Leeds Jewish Working Tailors Trade Society
Leeds Patternmakers Association
Leeds Society of Brushmakers
Leeds Society of Mosaic and Tile Fixers
Leeds Tailoresses Union
Leeds Tailoring Protective and Benefit Society
Leeds Terra Cotta Model Makers Society
Leeds Upholsterers Trade Society
Leeds Wholesale Clothiers Operatives Union
Leeds, Halifax and Bradford Stuff Pressers Trades Union Society
Leek Amalgamated Society of Silk and Cotton Dyers
Leek and District Federation of Textile Workers
Leek Female Silk Workers Union
Leek Silk Twisters Society
Leek Society of Managers, Warehousemen and Clerks
Leek Spun Silk Dressers Union
Leek Trades Union Federation
Leek Women Workers
Lees Operative Cotton Spinners Association
Leicester Agricultural Labourers Association
Leicester and District Builders’ Labourers Protective, Accident and Burial Society
Leicester and District Elastic Web and General Fabric Weavers Society
Leicester and District Wood Packing Case Makers
Leicester and Leicestershire Amalgamated Hosiery Union
Leicester and Leicestershire Framework Knitters Union
Leicester and Leicestershire Trimmers and Auxiliaries Association
Leicester and Leicestershire Trimmers and Auxiliary Association
Leicester Bleaching, Dyeing, Scouring and Trimming Auxiliary Branch (Women)
Leicester Cabinet Makers Trade Society
Leicester Clickers Union of The Boot and Shoe Trade
Leicester Dyers and Kindred Occupations Benefit Society
Leicester Dyers and Kindred Occupations Benefit Society
Leicester Dyers and Scourers Trade and Benefit Society
Leicester Elastic Braid Hands Sick Trade and Benefit Society
Leicester Elastic Braids Cords and Small Fabric Makers Trade Sick and Burial Society
Leicester Farriers Protection and Benefit Society
Leicester Frame Work Knitters Union
Leicester Glove Union
Leicester Hose, Shirt and Drawers Union
Leicester Local Slaters Society
Leicester Scourers and Kindred Occupations Trade and Benefit Society
Leicester Shoe Trade Foremen’s Association
Leicester Sock and Top Union
Leicester Union of Clickers and Pressers
Leicester Woolsorters Society
Leicestershire Miners Association
Leicestershire Winding Enginemen and Firemen’s Mutual Protective Association
Leigh and Bedford Beamers, Twisters and Drawers Association
Leigh and Bedford District Society of Bricklayers’ Labourers
Leigh and District Association of Power Loom Overlookers
Leigh and District Enginemen, Boilermen and Stokers Amalgamated Trade Union
Leigh and District Miners’ Association
Leigh and District Self-Actor Minders and Hand Mule Spinners Association
Leigh Builders’ Labourers Union
Leigh Hand Mule Spinners Association
Leigh Silk Weavers Mutual Aid and Protection Society
Leith and Granton Pilots Association
Leith and Granton Trawler Skippers and Mates Protection Society
Leith and Granton Trawler Skippers and Mates Protection Society
Leith Marine Stokers Union
Leith Mill and Factory Girls Union
Leith Protecting and Friendly Society
Leith, Edinburgh and District Journeymen Coopers Friendly and Protective Society
Leith, Edinburgh and District Society of Coopers
Lenton Amalgamated Society of Leather Dressers
Leven Textile Workers Union
Levers Card Punchers Society
Levers Jacquard Card Punchers Society
Levers Jacquard Card Punchers Society (Nottingham)
Lightermen of the River Thames
Lilleshall Co-Workers Association
Lincoln Amalgamated Machine Makers Society
Lincoln and Neighbouring Counties Amalgamated Labour League
Lincolnshire Labour League
Lincolnshire Labourers League
Lithuanian Tailors Union
Little Lever, Darcy Lever, Breightmet, and Great Lever Miners Association and Checkweigh Fund
Littleborough Beamers, Twisters and Drawers Association
Littleborough Operative Cotton Spinners Association
Littleborough Power Loom Overlookers
Liverpool Amalgamated Hollow-Ware Casters and Turners Society
Liverpool Amalgamated Tramway and Hackney Carriage Employees Association
Liverpool and Birkenhead Operative Ship and House Painters Benefit Association
Liverpool and Birkenhead Society of French Polishers
Liverpool and Birkenhead Stevedores, Quay Porters Aind Dock Labourers Union
Liverpool and District Bricklayers’ Labourers Association
Liverpool and District Builders’ and Contractors’ General Labourers
Liverpool and District Carters and Motormen’s Union
Liverpool and District Coremakers Society
Liverpool and District Dressmakers and Milliners Association
Liverpool and District Dressmakers and Tailoresses Union
Liverpool and District Dressmakers Association
Liverpool and District Furniture Trades Federation
Liverpool and District Glass Workers Industrial Union
Liverpool and District Hammermen’s Society
Liverpool and District Operative Lath-Makers Society
Liverpool and District Packing Case and Box Makers Society
Liverpool and District Stonemasons’ Labourers Trade Union
Liverpool and Vicinity Operative House Painters Old Society
Liverpool Brassfounders Society
Liverpool Bricklayers’ Labourers Trade Union
Liverpool Brickmakers Society
Liverpool Brickmakers Trade Society
Liverpool Cabinet Makers Society
Liverpool Cabinet Makers Trade Society
Liverpool Carvers, Gilders, Frame Workers and Fitters Society
Liverpool Cigar Makers Mutual Society
Liverpool Coachmakers Society
Liverpool Coopers Friendly, Trade and Burial Society
Liverpool Cotton Workers Union
Liverpool Dock Labourers Society
Liverpool Dry and Tight Coopers Association
Liverpool Farriers Central Friendly Society
Liverpool Flaxmens Friendly Society
Liverpool French Polishers Association
Liverpool Glaziers Society
Liverpool Hebrew Cabinet Makers Association
Liverpool Hebrew Operative Cabinet Makers Association
Liverpool Independent Operatives French Polishers Society
Liverpool Independent Tailors, Machinists and Pressers Trade Union
Liverpool Jewish Tailors, Machinists and Pressers Union
Liverpool Journeymen Millwrights Friendly Society
Liverpool Lightermen’s Association
Liverpool Mast and Block Makers Society
Liverpool No. 2 Upholsterers Trade Society
Liverpool North End Steamship Dock Labourers Friendly Burial Society
Liverpool Old Society of Upholsterers
Liverpool Omnibus Union and Omnibus Cab Employees Provident Association
Liverpool Operative Braziers and Sheet Metal Workers Society
Liverpool Operative House Painters Old Society
Liverpool Operative Plasterers Trade, Accident and Burial Society
Liverpool Operative Ships’ Painters Society
Liverpool Pilots Association
Liverpool Plumbers Society
Liverpool Riggers and Mariners Trade Society
Liverpool Riggers Trade and Benefit Society
Liverpool Ropemakers
Liverpool Ropeworkers Trade Union
Liverpool Sailmakers Friendly Society
Liverpool Sailmakers Trade and Burial Society
Liverpool Sailmakers Union Benefit Society
Liverpool Sawyers Society
Liverpool Seamens Protection Society
Liverpool Seamen’s Union
Liverpool Section of The Amalgamated Association of Boot and Shoe Makers
Liverpool Sheet Metal Workers Society
Liverpool Ships Joiners Trade and Benefit Society
Liverpool Shipwrights Trade and Friendly Association
Liverpool Slaters Trade Club
Liverpool Smiths Society
Liverpool Society of Foremen Tailors
Liverpool Society of Tailors
Liverpool South End Coalheavers Association
Liverpool Tailoresses and Coatmakers Union
Liverpool Tailoresses and Machinists Benefit Society
Liverpool Tailoresses and Machinists Society
Liverpool Tailors Institute
Liverpool Tailors Union
Liverpool Tailors, Machiners and Pressers Benefit Society
Liverpool Union of Stevedores, Labourers and Quay Porters
Liverpool United Mill Sawyers
Liverpool United Mill Sawyers and Wood Cutting Machinists Society
Liverpool United Society of Coppersmiths
Liverpool United Society of Coppersmiths, Braziers, Brass, Iron and Steel Pipe Workers
Liverpool United Society of Plasterers’ and Slaters’ Labourers
Liverpool Upholsteresses Trade Union
Liverpool Van, Hackney Carriage and Omnibus Drivers, Furniture Porters and General Horsemen’s Union
Liverpool Warehouse Porters Union
Liverpool Watch Case Makers Trade Society
Liverpool West End Society of Upholsterers
Livingston Society of Operative Coopers
Llandiloes Cambrian Union Society of Operative Weavers
Local Operative Carpenters and Joiners Friendly and Trade Society
Locomotive Steam Enginemen and Firemen’s Friendly Society
Lodge of Female Tailors
Lofthouse Miners Refuge Union
London Affiliated Porters Trade Society
London Amalgamated Brass Workers Society
London Amalgamated Hammermens Benefit Society
London Amalgamated Plumbers’ Mates Society
London Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners
London Amalgamated Society of Chasers and Engravers
London Amalgamated Society of Tin and Iron Plate Workers and Gas Meter Makers
London Amalgamated Society of Tin Plate Workers
London Amalgamated Society of Tramway and Omnibus Servants
London Amalgamated Society of Upholsterers
London Amicable Hammermen’s Society
London and Counties Trade Society of House Painters and Decorators
London and Country United Pottery Kiln Burners Union
London and County Tramway and Omnibus Employees Trade Union
London and District Tile, Faience and Mosaic Fixers Society
London and Home Counties Labour League
London and India Docks Staff Association
London and Liverpool Federation of Painters
London and Provincial Clothiers Cutters Trade Union
London and Provincial Coach Makers Trade Union
London and Provincial Coppersmiths and Metal Workers Association
London and Provincial Hammermens Association
London and Provincial Hand-Sewn Boot and Shoe Makers Union
London and Provincial Society of Coppersmiths
London and Provincial Society of Leather Finishers
London and Provincial Society of Railway Servants
London and Provincial Union of Licensed Vehicle Workers
London and Provincial Waistcoat Makers Union
London and Suburban Districts Society of Slaters and Tilers
London and Westminster Tailoresses Society
London Association of Builders’ Foremen and Clerks of Works
London Brassfounders Society
London Braziers and Sheet Metal Workers Hand-In-Hand Society
London Braziers Hand-In-Hand Society
London Brew House Coopers Association
London Bricklayers Society
London Brickmakers Society
London Bus and Tram Workers Union
London Bus, Tram and Motor Workers Union
London Cab Drivers Trade Union
London Carmen’s Trade Union
London Carpenters and Joiners Protection Society
London Central House Painters and Decorators Trade Union
London Chair-Makers and Carvers Society
London Chaise Saddlers Association
London Clothiers Cutters Trade Union
London Clothing Machinists Union
London Clothworkers Union
London Coach Body and Carriage Makers Trade Union
London Coachmakers Friendly Society
London Coachmakers Union
London Coachsmiths and Vicemens Trade Society
London Coopers Association
London Cutlers and Surgical Instrument Makers Society
London Diamond Workers Trade Union
London District Tramway Workers Union
London Federation of Painters, Decorators and Trade Protection Society
London Fellowship of Millwrights
London Foremen Tailors Mutual Association
London French Polishers Trade Society
London Friendly Society of Engineers and Machinists
London Furnishing Trades Federation
London Furniture Japanners Association
London Furniture Japanners Trade Union
London Garment Workers Union
London General Association of Amalgamated House Painters
London General Council of House Painters
London General Engravers and Carvers Association
London Glass Blowers Trade Society
London Glass Bottle Stopperers and Cutters Trade Society
London Glass Bottle Workers Trade Society
London Hand-In-Hand Society of Coopers
London Hand-Made Cigarette Makers and Tobacco Cutters Association
London Horse Collar Makers Trade Society
London Iron Plate Trade Society
London Jewel Case and Jewellery Display Makers Union
London Jewel Case Makers Trade Protection Society
London Jewish Boot and Shoe Trade Union
London Jewish Slipper Makers Union
London Jewish Tailors Machiners Society
London Jewish Tailors Union
London Jewish Tailors, Machinists and Pressers Union
London Jewish Tin Plate and Sheet Met Al Workers Union
London Journeymen Furriers Trade Union
London Journeymen Scalemakers Trade Protection and Benefit Society
London Ladies Tailors Trade Union
London Ladies Tailors, Machinists and Pressers Trade Union
London Mantle Makers Union
London Mattress Makers Trade Union
London Mattressmakers Union
London Mens Tailors Trade Union
London Mill Sawyers and Wood Cutting Machinists Society
London Mill Sawyers and Woodworking Machinists Trade Society
London Mill Wrights Societies
London Operative Farriers Trade Society
London Operative Gas Meter Makers Association
London Operative Lath Renders Trade Union
London Operative Tailors Association
London Operative Tailors Protective Association
London Operative Tin-Plate Workers Society
London Operative Zinc Workers Society
London Order of Operative Bricklayers Society
London Patternmakers Society
London Paviors Burial and Trade Protection Society
London Philanthropic Society of Coopers
London Piano Workers Society
London Plumbers Society
London Portmanteau and Trunkmakers Trade Society
London Rope Makers Union
London Saddle and Harness Makers Trade Protection Society
London Sailmakers and Sailriggers Friendly Society
London Sailmakers Society
London Seamen’s Mutual Protection Society
London Sew Round Table and Benefit Society
London Sew-Round Trade and Sick Benefit Society
London Silver Plate Polishers Society
London Silver Plate Workers Society
London Silver Workers Society
London Slaters and Tilers Association
London Slaters and Tilers Union and Accident Benefit Society
London Society of Amalgamated Brass Workers and Gas Fitters
London Society of Asphalt Workers
London Society of Brushmakers
London Society of Cabinet Makers
London Society of Coach Wheelwrights
London Society of Continental Cabinet Makers
London Society of Fancy and Leather Finishers
London Society of Gold, Silver and Kindred Trades
London Society of Goldsmiths and Jewellers
London Society of House Decorators and Painters
London Society of Jobbing Weekly and Freight
London Society Of Millwrights
London Society of Operative Plasterers
London Society of Scale Beam and Weighing Machine Makers
London Society of Sheet Met Al Workers, Braziers and Gas Meter Makers
London Society of Silver Plate Workers
London Society of Silver Spoon, Fork Finishers and Filers
London Society of Small Silver Workers
London Society of Tailors and Tailoresses
London Society of Tie Cutters
London Society of Upholsteresses
London Society of Wire Workers
London Society of Wood Cutting Machinists and Mill Sawyers
London Society of Wood Working Machinists, Wood Turners, Fret Cutters and Mill Sawyers Association
London Stevedores Society
London Suburban Railway Officials Association
London Tailoresses Trade Union
London Tailors and Machinists Society
London Tailors and Pressers Union
London Tailors, Machinists and Pressers Union
London Tin Canister and Preserved Provision Case and General Tinplate Workers Society
London Tin Canister and Tin Mens Society
London Tobacco Pipe Makers
London Tramway Employees Association
London Trousers Makers Union
London Turkish Tobacco Cutters Society
London Union of Journeymen Basket Makers
London Union of Sailmakers
London United Brass and General Metal Founders Society
London United Brass Finishers Society
London United Brassfounders Society
London United Clay Tobacco Pipe Makers Society
London United Metal Turners, Fitters and Finishers Society
London United Porters Trade Society
London United Society of Drillers and Hole Cutters
London United Society of Fancy and Morocco Leather Finishers
London United Society of Wheelwrights, Blacksmiths, Painters and Hammermen
London United Wire Rope Makers and Fitters Association
London Unity of Hammermen
London Universal Painters and Decorators Society
London Upholsterers Trade Society
London Upholsterers Trimming Makers Society
London Upholsteresses Society
London West End Cabinet Makers Society
London West End Farriers Trade Society
London West End Farriers Trade Union
London West End Upholsterers Trade Society
London Wheelwrights and Blacksmiths Society
London Wheelwrights and Coach Makers Operative Union
London Wheelwrights Operatives Union
London Wood and Tin Packing Case Makers Society
London Wood and Tin Packing Case Makers Trade Society
London Wood Box Makers Society
London Wood Sawyers Trade Association
London Wood Working Machinists Trade Society
Londonderry Cabinet Makers Trade Society
Londonderry Operative House and Ship Painters Societ)
Londonderry Shirt, Collar and Underclothing Cutters Trade Union
Long Ea Ton and District Amalgamated Society of Bobbin Carriage, Comb, Dropped Box and Steel Bar Makers
Long Eaton and District Amalgamated Society of Bobbin Carriage Comb Dropper Box and Steel Bar Makers
Long Eaton and District Association of Operative Lace Makers
Long Eaton Bobbin Carriage Comb Dropper Box and Steel Bar Makers
Long Eaton Builders’ Labourers Protective. Accident and Burial Society
Long Eaton Card Punchers Association
Long Melford Mat and Matting Trade Society
Longridge and District Power Loom Overlookers Association
Longridge Beamers, Twisters and Drawers Association
Longridge Weavers, Winders and Warpers Association
Longton Society of Plasterers’ Labourers
Loom Overlookers Trade Union
Loom Overlookers Trade Union ( Belfast )
Lough Neagh Fishermen’s Association
Loughborough and District Hosiery Workers Union
Loughborough Builders’ Labourers Protective, Accident and Burial Society
Loughborough Dyers and Scourers Association
Loughborough Federated Hosiery Union
Loughborough Independent Needle Makers’ Association
Loughborough Tailors Union
Lowestoft and Yarmouth Association of Tin Plate Workers
Loyal Alfreds Mutual Pilots Society
Loyal and Friendly Amicable Society of Cotton Carders
Loyal Society of Smiths
Loyal United Society of Brewers and General Coopers
Loyal Wheelwrights and Blacksmiths Society
Loyal, Free, Industrious Society of Wheelwrights and Blacksmiths
Luddendenfoot Cotton Spinners Association
Lurgan Hemmers, Veiners and General Women Workers Trade Union
Luton Association of Journeymen Tailors
Lye Iron Plate Trade Society