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A to Z trade unions list


This page lists all UK trade unions known to have existed at any stage in history whose name began with the letter F.Most have long since disappeared and many have left no records. Use this website to find out more.

Facit and Whitworth Beamers, Twisters and Drawers Association
Facit Power Loom Overlookers Association
Failsworth Silk Weavers Association
Fair Trade Union
Falkirk Associated Iron Grinders and Polishers Society
Falkirk Operative Plasterers Union
Falkirk Sawyers Society
Fancy Cabinet Makers of London
Fancy Cane, Wicker and Bamboo Workers Union
Fancy Hosiery Hand Frame Society
Farington Beamers, Twisters and Drawers Association
Farnworth Clothlookers and Warehousemens Association
Farnworth Cotton Spinners Association
Farnworth Enginemen, Boilermen and Firemen’s Association
Farrington Operative Cotton Spinners Association
Federal Union of Agricultural and Town Labourers
Federal Union of Wire Weavers of the United Kingdom
Federal Union of Wire Workers of Great Britain and Ireland
Federated Builders’ Labourers Unions of Great Britain and Ireland
Federated Labourers Council of Labourers Societies in the Building Trades in the London District
Federated Society of Warpdressers
Federated Wire Drawers Association
Federation of East London Labour Unions
Federation of Engineering and Shipbuilding Trades of the United Kingdom
Federation of Flatmen, Watermen and Canal Boatmen
Federation of Import and Export Shipping Trade of the River Tyne
Federation of Moulders and Collateral Trades
Federation of Professional Railway Staff
Federation of Sailmakers of Great Britain and Ireland
Federation of Sailmakers of Great Britain and Ireland
Federation of Salt Workers, Alkali Workers, Mechanics and General Labourers
Federation of Spring-Knife Cutlers, Blade-Forgers and Scale and Spring Forgers
Federation of Trade Unions of Salt Workers, Alkali Workers, Mechanics and General Labourers
Federation of Trades and Labour Unions in Connection with the Shipping, Carrying and Other Industries
Federation of Weavers Protection Societies
Felt Hat Bodymakers Association of Denton and Districts
Felt Hat Bodymakers Association of Manchester
Felt Hat Bodymakers Union
Female Cigar Makers Protection Union
Female Lace Workers Society (Nottingham)
Female Workers Society in the Shipping Industry (Home and Export)
Fender Union (Sheffield)
Fenwick Weavers Society
Fibrous Plasterers Association
Fife Cloth Lappers and Finishers Association
Fife, Clackmannan and Kinross Miners Association
Fifeshire Cloth Lappers and Finishers Association
File Forgers-By-Machine Trade Society
File Grinders Trade Society (Sheffield)
File Hardeners Association (Sheffield)
Filesmiths Benefit Club
Fine Spinners Association (Manchester)
Finishers Society
Fire Brigades Union
Fire Brick Workers Union
Firewood Cutters Protection Society
First Division Association
First Grand Lodge of Operative Tailors
Fitting Shop Trade Society
Flax and Other Textile Workers Trade Union
Flax Dressers and Linen Workers Trade Union
Flax Dressers Trade and Benevolent Trade Union
Flax Dressers Trade Union (Ireland)
Flax Roughers and Yarn Spinners Trade Union
Flax Roughers Trade Union
Flax Roughers Trade Union and Benevolent Trade Union
Flax Workers Union (Manchester)
Fleetwood Salt Makers Union
Fleetwood Steam Trawlers’ Engineers and Firemen’s Society
Fleetwood Steam Trawlers Enginemen and Firemen’s Union
Fleetwood Trawler Officers Guild
Fleetwood Trawler Officers’ Guild
Floorcloth and Linoleum Printers (Kirkaldy)
Floorcloth Linoleum and Table Cover Printers Union of Great Britain
Floorcloth Printers Association
Floorcloth, Linoleum and Table Cover Workers Union
Foot and Carriageway Masons Trade Union
Footway Masons and Carriageway Paviors Trade Society
Foremen Loom Overlookers Association
Forest of Dean Miners Association
Forfar Factory Workers Union
Forfar Operative Plasterers Union
Forfarshire Federal Union of Textile Workers
Foundry Labourers Union of Great Britain and Ireland
Frame Union Society of Clothworkers and Others
Framework Knitters Labour Protection Society
Framework Knitters Union
Free Colliers (or Brothered Miners’ Movement)
Free Ropers Society
Free Trade Sailmakers of the Port of London
French Polishers Federation of Great Britain and Ireland
Fret Lead Glaziers and Cutters Union
Fret, Lead Glaziers and Cutters Trade Union
Friendly Associated Cotton Spinners and Twiners Association of Rochdale and Neighbourhood
Friendly Associated Cotton Spinners of Manchester
Friendly Associated Cotton Spinners Societies
Friendly Associated Cotton Spinners Society of Oldham
Friendly Associated Fel and Hatmakers of Oldham
Friendly Associated Felt-makers of Stockport and Vicinity
Friendly Associated Hatter Society
Friendly Associated Male and Female Card and Blowing Room Operatives of Mossley and Neighbourhood
Friendly Associated Male Card and Blowing Room Operatives Association of Mossley and Neighbourhood
Friendly Associated New System Hatters Society
Friendly Associated Self-Actor Minders of Rochdale and Neighbourhood
Friendly Associated Society of Cotton Spinners of Manchester
Friendly Association of Journeymen Calico Glazers
Friendly Iron Moulders Society
Friendly Operative Carpenters and Joiners General Union of Great Britain
Friendly Society of Agricultural Labourers
Friendly Society of Broad and Narrow Cloth Weavers
Friendly Society of Carpenters and Joiners
Friendly Society of Clothworkers
Friendly Society of Clothworkers and Others
Friendly Society of Coal Miners
Friendly Society of Cotton Spinners of Stockport
Friendly Society of Hand Mule Spinners and Self-Actor Minders of Stockport and Neighbourhood
Friendly Society of Ironfounders of England, Ireland and Wales
Friendly Society of Iron-Plate Workers
Friendly Society of Linen Weavers
Friendly Society of Makers-up
Friendly Society of Mechanics
Friendly Society of Operative Bricklayers
Friendly Society of Operative Cabinet Makers
Friendly Society of Operative House Carpenters and Joiners of Great Britain and Ireland
Friendly Society of Operative Iron Moulders of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Friendly Society of Operative Plumbers of Manchester and Salford and Their Vicinities
Friendly Society of Operative Stonemasons of England, Ireland and Wales
Friendly Society of Operative Tobacconists
Friendly Society of Operative Woollen and Carpet Weavers
Friendly Society of Ropemakers and Others of His Majesty’s Dockyard Devonport
Friendly Society of Ropemakers Belonging to His Majesty’s Dockyard Portsmouth
Friendly Society of Sailmakers
Friendly Society of Spade Tree Makers of the United Kingdom
Friendly Society of Tailors
Friendly Society of Tailors and Others in and about Edinburgh
Friendly Society of Tailors, Newcastle-on- Tyne
Friendly Society of the United Operative Tin-Plate Workers of Wolverhampton
Friendly Society of Tin Plate Workers
Friendly Society of United Journeymen Platers and Moulders
Friendly Society of Watermen
Friendly Society of Weavers
Friendly Society of Weavers, Tradesmen and Others
Friendly Society of Woolcombers
Friendly Union of Mechanics
Friendly United Smiths of Great Britain and Ireland
Friendly United Society of Operative Brickmakers
Friendly United Society of Spinners and Other Tradesmen
Frost, Cog and Screwmakers Society
Fur Skin Dressers Union
Fur Skin Dressers Union
Furness Iron Miners and Quarrymen’s Union
Furniture Silk Weavers Association
Furniture, Timber and Allied Trades Union