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A to Z trade unions list


This page lists all UK trade unions known to have existed at any stage in history whose name began with the letter G.Most have long since disappeared and many have left no records. Use this website to find out more.

Galashiels Power Loom Tuners Society
Galashiels Textile Factory Workers Union
Galashiels Textile Workers Union
Galashiels Warpers Association
Galashiels Weavers Association
Galvanised Hollow-Ware Sheet Metal Workers And Braziers Association
Garment and Dyers Trade Society
Garment Dyers Trade Society
Garment Workers Union of London
Garw Miners Association
Gas Meter Makers Association
Gas Meter Makers Association of Edinburgh and Leith
Gateshead and District Amalgamated Association of Beamers, Twisters and Drawers
Gateshead and District Builders’ Labourers Union
Gateshead and Newcastle District Quarrymen’s Trade Association
Gateshead Labourers Protective, Accident and Burial Society
Gateshead Quarrymen’s Trade Association
General Alliance of Operative House Painters
General Amalgamation of Clothworkers and Warehousemen
General Cigarette Workers Industrial Union
General Garment Cutters Union (Manchester)
General Iron Fitters Association
General Labourers Amalgamated Union
General N.6 Warehousemens Society (Manchester)
General New No.1Warehousemens Society (Manchester)
General New No.9 Warehousemens Society (Manchester)
General No.1 Warehousemens Society (Manchester)
General No.2 Warehousemens Society (Manchester)
General No.2A Warehousemens Society (Manchester)
General No.2B Warehousemens Society (Manchester)
General No.3 Warehousemens Society (Manchester)
General No.4 Warehousemens Society (Manchester)
General No.5 Warehousemens Society (Manchester)
General No.7 Warehousemens Society (Manchester)
General No.8 Warehousemens Society (Manchester)
General No.9 Warehousemens Society (Manchester)
General Packers Society (Manchester)
General Railway Workers Union
General Smiths, Fitters, Bellhangers and Whitesmiths Association
General Tram and Bus Workers Union
General Union of Associations of Loom Overlookers
General Union of Bedding Trade Workers
General Union of Bellhangers and Gas Fitters
General Union of Braziers and Sheet Metal Workers
General Union of Carpenters and Joiners
General Union of Journeymen Furriers of Great Britain
General Union of Lancashire and Yorkshire Warpdressers Association
General Union of Lancashire and Yorkshire Warpdressers Associations
General Union of Loom Overlookers
General Union of Operative Carpenters and Joiners
General Union of Smiths, Ironworkers and Gas Fitters
General Union of Textile Workers
General Union of Tin-Plate Workers
General Union of Weavers and Spinners
General Union of Weavers and Textile Workers
General, Municipal and Boilermakers Trade Union
Glamorgan County Enginemen’s Association
Glasgow Amalgamated Carters Society
Glasgow Amalgamated Protective Society for Drivers, Stage and Hackney Guards, Stablemen and Washers
Glasgow Amalgamated Society of Laceworkers
Glasgow and District Amalgamated Association of Lathers and Lath Splitters
Glasgow and District Associated Brass Turners, Fitters and Finishers Society
Glasgow and District Builders’ Labourers Society
Glasgow and District Furniture Trades Federation
Glasgow and District Glass Bottle Makers Trade Protection Society
Glasgow and District Hand Mill and Horizontal Warpers Society
Glasgow and District Marble Masons and Fixers Society
Glasgow and District Power Loom Beamers Trade Society
Glasgow and District Power Loom Beamers Trade Society
Glasgow and District Power Loom Beamers Trade Society
Glasgow and District Upholsterers Society
Glasgow and District Wood, Wire and Metal Lathers Union
Glasgow and West of Scotland and Belfast Sawmill Operatives Protective Association
Glasgow and West of Scotland Power Loom Tenters Society
Glasgow and West of Scotland Protective Association of Joiners
Glasgow and West of Scotland Tape Dressers Society
Glasgow Association of Machine, Engine and Iron Grinders
Glasgow Boiler and Pipe Coverers Association Glasgow Tinplate Workers Protective Society
Glasgow Boot Makers and Boot Repairers Society
Glasgow Bricklayers Association
Glasgow Brickmakers and Labourers Connected Protection Society
Glasgow Cab and Motormen’s Friendly Society
Glasgow Cabinet and Chairmakers Protection Society
Glasgow Cabmen’s Union
Glasgow Calendermens Protective and Funeral Association
Glasgow Carters Society
Glasgow Corporation Tramway Employees Association
Glasgow Cotton Spinners Association
Glasgow Gilders Society
Glasgow Glass Workers Union
Glasgow Hand Mill and Horizontal Warpers Society
Glasgow Harbour Labourers Friendly and Protective Society
Glasgow Harbour Labourers Union
Glasgow Harbour Mineral Workers Union
Glasgow Independent Cabinet Makers Society
Glasgow International Cigarette Makers Association
Glasgow Journeymen Coopers Trade Society
Glasgow Journeymen Dyers Association
Glasgow Journeymen Framework Knitters Society
Glasgow Journeymen French Polishers Society
Glasgow Journeymen Hatters Society
Glasgow Journeymen Painters Friendly Society
Glasgow Journeymen Tobacco Spinners Society
Glasgow Journeymen Upholsterers Trade Society
Glasgow Local Carvers Society
Glasgow Marquee and Tent Makers Society
Glasgow Mattress Makers Union
Glasgow Municipal Painters Society
Glasgow National Association of Tailors
Glasgow Operative Glaziers Trade and Friendly Society
Glasgow Operative House and Ship Painters Society
Glasgow Operative Masons Friendly Society
Glasgow Operative Masons Society
Glasgow Operative Plasterers Friendly Society
Glasgow Operative Tailors Society
Glasgow Painters Mutual Improved Society
Glasgow Power Loom Warpers Society
Glasgow Pump, Boot and Slipper Makers Trade Protective Society
Glasgow Rope and Twine Spinners and Hemp Dressers Association
Glasgow Rope-makers Trade Protective and Friendly Society
Glasgow Slaters Trade Society
Glasgow Stocking Makers Society
Glasgow Tailoresses Branch of the Womens Protective and Provident League
Glasgow Union Journeymen Tailors Friendly Society
Glasgow Union of Upholsterers
Glasgow United Association of Twine and Rope Makers
Glasgow United House and Ship Painters Protecting Society
Glasgow United Operative Plasterers Protective and Friendly Society
Glasgow Woodturners, Sawyers and Machinemen’s Society
Glass Bottle Makers Amalgamated Trade Association of Great Britain and Ireland
Glass Bottle Makers Trade Association
Glass Painters Trade Union
Glemsford Mat and Matting Weavers Trade Union
Glossop and District Power Loom Weavers, Winders and Warpers Association
Glossop Card and Blowing Room Operatives Association
Glossop District Power Loom Overlookers
Glossop Operative Spinners Association
Gloucester Builders’ Labourers Union
Glovers Mutual Aid Society
Golbourne Operative Cotton Spinners Association
Gold Beaters Trade Society
Goldsmiths and Jewellers Trade Association
Good Intent Hydraulic Packers Society
Good Intent Society of Coopers of Newcastle-On-Tyne and District
Good Intent Society of Galvanizers and Enamellers
Gornal Builders’ Labourers Union
Gorton Operative Spinners Association
Gosport Sailmakers Society
Government Tailors Union
Grand General Union of Cotton Spinners Throughout the United Kingdom (GGU)
Grand United Society of Sailmakers
Grangemouth Pilots Association
Granite Polishers and Workers Union
Granite Workers Union
Grantham Builders’ Labourers
Granton and District Trawl Fishermen’s Association
Granton and District Trawl Fishermen’s Protective Association
Graphical, Paper and Media Union
Greater London Council Staff Association
Great Grimsby Coal Workers Protective Society
Great Grimsby Sailmakers Society
Great Harwood and Clayton Le Moors Miners Association
Great Harwood Branch Amalgamated Textile Warehousemens Association
Great Harwood District Society of Twisters and Drawers
Great Harwood Power Loom Overlookers Association
Great Harwood Power Loom Weavers Association
Great Harwood Tape Sizers Protective Society
Great Yarmouth and Gorleston Fishermen’s Association
Great Yarmouth and Gorleston Fishermen’s Association
Great Yarmouth Association of House Painters and Decorators
Great Yarmouth Sailmakers Trade and Benevolent Society
Great Yarmouth Sailmakers Trade and Benevolent Society
Great Yarmouth Shipwrights Provident Union
Greek Certificated Marine Engineers Union
Greenock and District Sailmakers Society
Greenock and District Transport Workers Union
Greenock and Port Glasgow Rafters Association
Greenock Branch (Amalgamated Union of Upholsterers)
Greenock Coopers Society
Greenock Dock Labourers Union
Greenock General Porters’ Labourers Union
Greenock Journeymen Tailors Friendly Society
Greenock Operative Plasterers Union
Greenock Operative Slaters Trade Protecting Society
Greenock Painters Union
Greenock Sugar Porters Association
Greenock Tailoresses Branch of the Womens Protective and Provident League
Greenock, Port Glasgow and District Association of Brass Turners Fitters and Finishers
Gregson Lane Operative Cotton Spinners Association
Grimsby and District Ropemakers, Twine Spinners and Dressers
Grimsby Bricklayers’ and Plasterers’ Labourers Protective, Accident and Burial Society
Grimsby Builders’ Labourers Protective, Sick, Accident and Burial Society
Grimsby Fishermen’s Association
Grimsby Fishermen’s Association
Grimsby Fishermen’s Trade Union
Grimsby Fishermen’s Trade Union
Grimsby General Workers Friendly and Protective Society
Grimsby Operative Plasterers Society
Grimsby Steam and Diesel Fishing Vessel Engineers and Firemen’s Union
Grimsby Steam and Diesel Fishing Vessels Engineers and Firemen’s Union
Grimsby Steam Fishing Vessels’ Engineers and Firemen’s Union
Grimsby Trawler Officers Guild
Grosvenor House Painters and Decorators Association
Guild and Fraternity Society of Clothworkers and Spinners
Guild of Calico Printers, Bleachers, Dyers and Finishers Foremen
Guild of Textile Supervisors